Tuesday, September 2, 2014

I clearly am the worst blogger...

Hey there friends.

So new house new sewing cave, for those keeping count this is sewing cave 4.0. (Stafford, Quantico, Fairview, Ridgefield) I know this won't be the last one but it's finally pretty fully functional (just need to clean out the closet) and hang some curtains & blinds. 
Here's a little peak. I'm hoping it will double as a play room, maybe I can sew more when my lovely daughter is playing.

Inspired by a huge fall clean up I decided to make a really quick potholder. I also wanted to check out my embroider and make sure I still knew what I was doing. I made a cute Halloween potholder that's definitely not perfect I'm pretty rusty after not sewing for quite some time (almost a year!...gasp). 
I did not center it! Whops. That will drive me crazy, but not to bad for a first project with no pattern after almost a year. I have to say I'm still pretty impressed with the embroidery function on my machine. I just need to figure out how to upload more designs. It's a lot of fun even just with the preloaded designs. 

Hopefully having a neat and organized area will help me better get back into the sewing groove. I really do miss it a lot and I feel like I stopped right when I was turning the corner from beginer to Novice. I would like to make a dress from this Craftsy class I enrolled in, and I would really love to become proficient only serger. Maybe for Christmas I should ask for more lessons (and babysitting) once a week to advance my skills a bit. 

Anyway, clearly I'm the worst blogger since I haven't been on here since January. Let's hope I get better at this , since I know you miss me ;)

Oh and here's the hair bow I made.

Maybe now with a more normal schedule for a while I can start doing more projects....we will see!

Have a great week :)

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